Don’t Forget to Donate!
OA’s 7th Tradition states that every OA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions. Please remember that as you attend online or telephone meetings that your usual 7th Tradition donation is vital!
These options will help:
- Have your meeting or group decide by group conscience how your meeting’s treasurer can receive donations. PayPal and similar online money transferring sites may be useful.
- Send a direct contribution by clicking on the PayPal Donate link below.
- Send a direct or recurring contribution to Region 7 at
- Send a direct or recurring contribution to OA World Service at
- Meetings and individual members can now send their 7th Tradition contributions and other donations directly to the Baltimore Area Intergroup by PayPal! Click the Donate button below to make a secure contribution.
For meeting contributions, please note the meeting’s Group Number in the message so the Treasurer can properly acknowledge your meeting with your donation.